Below are our favorite toys for that 0-1 year old stage! A lot of these toys are great for helping to develop fine motor skills.
- Skip Hop 3 Stage Developmental Crawling Toy-This was such a fun little gadget. My son loved to follow this around and it helped encourage him to crawl.
- First Years Count and Stack Cups-These stacking cups are super affordable and can be played with in so many different ways–learning colors, numbers, and stacking. Definitely a great first toy. The new ones have water holes too!
- Shape Box-My son loved this for a few years. It’s a great way to learn shapes and good for fine motor skills. (This comes in a bundle with the rock-a-stack from amazon, but you can probably find it by itself somewhere else).
- Rock-A-Stack-This is a classic for a reason. Kids love it!
- Teether-Teethers a great gift, especially if they are good ones! Here are some of the best ones we’ve had: Banana, Egg, Molar Magician, Nuby, Spin & Teethe Flower, Cactus Teething Mitten
- Laugh & Learn Activity Table-This is definitely something at the top of our list. My son played with this thing nonstop and it grew with him as well. You can detach the legs for when they are younger and as they grow they can stand and pull themselves up. This gave me many much needed breaks.
- Little Einstein Rattle Ball-This is a great first ball!
- Gripper Cars-My son loved these little cars. They are perfect for little fingers to grab.
- Toy Remote– My son was obsessed with remotes and cellphones, so this was great!
- Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes-Another Baby Einstein toy for the win! I’m not sure why my son loved this so much but he did, and apparently other kids do too. It’s got almost 50,000 5 star reviews on amazon.
- VTech Baby Laptop-This is also at the top of the list. He played with this nonstop! Maybe because his Dad is in the IT field lol.
- Ocean Glow Sensory Shaker Octopus-This was a cute little toy that lights up and provides some sensory activity. It was great for car rides.
- Rattle and Sensory Teether-We went to Target one day and he would not let this thing go. He loved just holding and chewing it lol.
- Press and glow spinner-He was infatuated with this press and glow spinner. It is great for teaching them how to push.
- First Keys-This is another simple toy that my son really liked. He has always loved keys and still will randomly play with these at 3.5 (although he prefers my real ones lol).
I hope this helps you with some ideas for those sweet babies in your life!